The common myth is that these old vintage amps must be left "untouched" to sound the best. Unfortunately, we seldom see units which are truly "untouched" anymore MC60s are far too popular and too many of them have been through too many owners. Very often we see MC60s come in with unmatched circuits between channels. Some are without the choke, some have different circuitry altogether. To properly restore MC60s, we take all the time necessary to perform the restoration: * Remove and test all filtering capacitors against specification, and replace if necessary * Properly match circuit between Left and Right channel according to factory schematic * Measure / Replace all signal path capacitors * Check all voltages and adjust according to factory schematic * Bench test for power and distortion against specification No, we do not think we are better than McIntosh engineers which is why we never modify any McIntosh amplifiers. A properly restored MC60 will provide in excess of 70W per channel with minimal distortion. |